Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bringing Charlie Home and the Aftermath

Bringing Charlie Home and the Aftermath
Charlie (The Good Boy) and his toy box (and favorite toy)
On March 16th, 2012, we picked "our boy" up from the Henderson Animal Shelter. I think he was glad to be leaving there: we heard him bark "farewell" as we walked out the door. It was the first real barking we heard from him, but it wasn't to be the last! 

After an "interesting" drive home, during which we discovered that he really hadn't been in a car very often (if at all), we walked him through our complex, showing him the sights (and many sniffs). On his first of many, MANY walkies, he met one of his new buddies: Chewy. They became friends at first sniff! 

This wasn't really the case with Munchie, who took one look at him, hissed and the chase ensued! It was very soon established that because of his persnickety nature, Munchie would have the bedroom and bathroom as his territory, while Charlie roamed the rest of the apartment. This brought relative peace. For now.

We found that Charlie enjoyed everything: his food, his treats, his blankets, his walks, his leash, his home, his grassy areas outside and us. He proved to be friendly to every human and curious about every dog. In our complex, a new "arrival" is heralded, so by that evening, everyone was coming up and saying, "So this is Charlie?" and telling each other about his adoption. It made fitting in really easy. Have I mentioned how much I love this complex?

Charlie and Mike bonded even more on their excursions through the different walkways. We found out very soon that this place is a lot bigger than it seems! The common green is also a common meeting place for dogs. Within a few days, Charlie knew the routine. Being the good boy he is, we had no accidents in the house. He whined or stared us in the face when he needed out. The only accidents were our fault, when we ignored him, when he didn't feel well or if we left him alone for too long, and to date, that's only happened twice (so far).

It's good to have a dog to walk again, and good to get out and get moving. Now when I talk out loud, I know I am not losing my mind, I am talking to the dog! When you open a door to go out, he's there. When you come home, he greets you with pure joy. When you reward him, he is the happiest dog on earth. The few times we have had to call him a "Bad Boy," he responded by lying flat on the ground and covering his eyes with his paws, We hope that he and Munchie will become friends, and gradually, they are achieving their own peace. 

One thing we know for sure is that he is a pleasure to own, a wonderful new furry addition to our family. It was the right time, it was the right place and he is most definitely the right dog!

Munchie-Cat: arch nemesis and big baby

(Next time: the realities of pet ownership and "joining the owners' club")

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