Friday, December 28, 2012

Charlie's Christmas Day

As Christmas got closer and closer, Charlie got a little more excited. He knew something was up with all the wrapping of gifts, the sneaking around and hiding things and especially when we tried his reindeer collar and ears on for the first time. He even got to tolerate wearing them after a couple of false starts.

On Christmas Day,  his nose didn't stop twitching, sniffing ham in the oven. This time, when our buddy Pam came over, he only barked for a bit before recognizing her and settling down on her lap for a good old-fashioned petting. Imagine, 3 pairs of hands to pat him and rub his ears instead of 2! Could any little dog ask for anything more? Even he and Munchie achieved a Christmas truce!

His 'cute' look

He loved his new toys, especially the soft, fuzzy ones. He even got the idea of taking a few out of the stocking himself. I got the chance to wash his old toys (finally). He didn't much like that but he was occupied. He doesn't like squishy rubber or hard toys, he likes the ones that 'talk' or make music, the stuffy ones. I think that if Munchie doesn't go into his crinkly Santa bag soon, Charlie may end up peering out of it soon. 

His favorite new Santa toy to cuddle with and nibble on

We had the best Christmas with out little buddy. It's hard to imagine life without his little shiny eyes and big wet black nose. We can't imagine not having him insisting upon being cradled when we're watching TV, or his nose poking us for attention. It's tough to imagine not having him squished between us in bed or not laughing at his earnest expressions when he 'talks' to us and we answer him. We look forward to what is yet to  come.

Adopt a pet today, adopt a pet for life. You won't be sorry. Happy New Year!

Charlie and his 'dad' Mike

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